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So far sourceproadmin has created 72 blog entries.

5 Campus Recruiting Myths Debunked


Students in their final year of graduation and the ones pursuing their graduation tend to blindly follow their peers without questioning the views expressed by fellow students about campus recruiting. These individuals generally take rumours to be true without questioning; hence they miss out on opportunities that they would have applied for if they haven’t fallen victims to these wide spread misconceptions floating about. Many a times we as recruiter’s too follow misconceptions without realising it and at times we are unaware of the myths floating around amongst our potential recruits about campus recruiting. Both these aspects have a bearing on [...]

5 Campus Recruiting Myths Debunked2021-06-30T07:03:51+00:00

Effective Online Branding Tips


Most individuals spend much of their time on Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Therefore online platforms are now more effective ways to get noticed and build your brand name.  Getting noticed is easier now thanks to social media because majority of the people are active on these sites. A company’s presence on these platforms is crucial as it determines the success or failure of the company.  Even though branding is easier it does require management because negative views expressed on Social Media directly affect the branding. Here are some tips that are sure to boost the company’s branding. [...]

Effective Online Branding Tips2021-06-30T07:06:41+00:00
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